What to have for Saturday lunch is a constant trial in our house.

It always needs a trip to the shops and just trying to decide what to have is too much thinking for a weekend - something delicious but not too filling.  Something fresh but not too time consuming to make. I've made the mistake before  of thinking 'mmm corn beef hash' then finding myself cooking for eternity and  surrounded by washing up. 

Not today though, Dave made us delicious bruschetta.
How to make it:

1. Take two baking sheets, line one with greaseproof paper and lay thin rashers  of pancetta on it. Cover with another layer of greaseproof and put another baking sheet on top to keep it pressed down.

2. Put in a pre-heated oven at 180 C or gas mark 4 for 10 mins, then remove and let it cool slightly as it will crisp as it cools.

3. Slice some bread and toast lightly on both sides.

4.Toss some rocket and watercress with a drizzle of balsamic and a splash of
lemon juice.

5.Rub the toast with garlic and drizzle with a little oil (optional).

6.Tear some fresh buffalo mozzarella and place on the bread. 

Layer liberally with the leaves and place the strips of bacon on the top.

Recipe thanks to my clever husband.

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